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Pick Insights

{{DraftState.insights | lengthOf}}{{DraftState.totalInsights == 1 ? ' pick insight available' : ' pick insights available'}}

Illustration of someone winning their Fantasy Draft
Did You Know?

Dominate Your Real Draft!

Our Draft Assistant w/ Sync connects to your real draft, tracks taken players, and gives you the same great advice as the Draft Simulator!

Our Draft Assistant tool syncs with your live draft, automatically tracks taken players, and gives you the same real-time, expert advice as the Draft Simulator.

Upgrade today and get instant access, so you can
dominate your real draft.

Upgrade and also get access to:

  • Custom Mocks: Tailor the draft simulator to match your league
  • Custom Cheat Sheets: Advice from the most accurate experts
  • Custom Settings: Keepers, IDP, Dynasty, Salary Cap Drafts, and more.

Next turn in {{true ? DraftState.picksBefore + 1 : DraftState.picksBefore}} Pick{{( true ? DraftState.picksBefore + 1 : DraftState.picksBefore ) !== 1 ? 's' : ''}}

Last Turn in {{true ? DraftState.picksBefore + 1 : DraftState.picksBefore}} Pick{{( true ? DraftState.picksBefore + 1 : DraftState.picksBefore ) !== 1 ? 's' : ''}}

{{ isDraftSimulator ? "Its Your Last Pick" : "No Picks Remaining" }}

Your Draft is Complete

Click below to see projected standings for this draft.

{{rank.position == 'Overall' ? 'All' : rank.position}}

Unable to Connect

We're currently unable to connect to your live draft.

If your draft hasn't started yet, then don't worry: The Draft Assistant w/ Sync will be available once your draft begins.

If your draft has already started, please follow the steps below:

1. Try refreshing the page.

2. If this doesn't fix the problem, please delete and re-import your league, then relaunch the Draft Assistant: How to delete and re-import your league.

3. If you're still unable to connect to your draft, please contact our support department using the following link: